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10/10 HOPE x Be Earth | 以自愛迎接秋冬,踏上「從心呼吸 • 重拾平衡恬靜」身心療癒旅程

10/10 HOPE x Be Earth | 以自愛迎接秋冬,踏上「從心呼吸 • 重拾平衡恬靜」身心療癒旅程
2023年11月17日 115 view(s)

於Be Earth邁出自愛的第一步



迎接秋冬新章節,10/10 HOPE與Be Earth溫柔打造「從心呼吸 • 重拾平衡恬靜」聯乘提案,邀請你一同展開美妙的身心靈旅程,在繁囂中找到心靈上的安穩。


由藝人倪晨曦創辦的可持續瑜珈教室Be Earth是位於中環的隱世綠洲,由踏進教室開始,舒壓香氣與友善熱情的接待員讓人有一種身心全然放鬆、遠離繁囂的舒適感,為無暇照料身心靈的都市人提供全面的身心健康體驗。此時此刻,你是時候拋開煩惱,準備踏上滋養健康之旅。


Find Your Inner Calm 療癒瑜珈體驗

植物與天然陽光是成就這個療癒瑜珈空間的重要元素,不僅能使人平靜,亦能提醒長期處於緊繃狀態的都市人放慢呼吸,同時改善壓力與焦慮情緒。同時,Be Earth選用天然有機的瑜珈道具,無論你是熱愛充滿活力的瑜珈,希望揮灑汗水減壓,還是溫和的修復瑜珈來調整身心都滿足到你所需。

在課堂中,大家亦能感受到來自紐約的SEASONS SONI 暮雲無線超音波香氛儀 以及Neal’s Yard Remedies 天然有機複方精油 散發出的舒壓香氣,讓芳療淨化身心,享受專屬療癒的安謐時刻。

Refresh & Reboot 洗滌身心疲勞

上完舒緩的瑜伽課後,還有什麼比洗個澡更好呢?Be Earth的淋浴設施讓你擁有舒適的體驗,同時享用10/10 HOPE為你精心準備的天然有機產品:Dr.Jackson’s 07 潔膚露 溫和去除油脂髒污;L:A BRUKET 222 雲杉潔膚露 輕柔清潔與滋潤;uka Wake up! 與Nighty Night洗護髮系列 修護豐盈都市受損髮,為你身體每一吋肌膚賦予細膩呵護,為心靈療癒之旅完美作結,沉澱身心過後重新出發。

10/10 HOPE x Be Earth「從心呼吸 • 重拾平衡恬靜」秋冬聯乘提案
Discover the Moments of Mindful Wellness

開啟身心療癒旅程之際,現於Be Earth共兩層的瑜珈教室均能享受到10/10 HOPE搜羅自世界各地的天然保養產品,重點品牌包括來自瑞典海岸的極簡保養品牌L:A BRUKET和澳洲純天然居家清潔品牌Bondi Wash等,涵蓋室內香氛、頭髮護理、多用途清潔、身體及臉部保養,讓天然力量昇華尋拾自我的瑜珈時光,全面照料你的整全健康,伴你於生活每一刻持續滋養身心。


來Be Earth享受舒壓養心的身心療癒好物吧!


❶ 臉部保養:Dr.Jackson’s 07 潔顏露

222 雲杉潔膚露輕柔清潔與滋潤身體肌膚,添加植物精油保持肌膚水潤
221 雲杉護手霜:北歐森林清新氣息,溫和滋潤疲憊雙手,抵禦自由基侵害

❸ 髮肌保養:uka
▸ 適合細軟扁蹋髮質的Wake up!系列 - 甦醒!洗髮露及護髮素
✓ 含獨特「髮芯賦活再生素」,使幼軟髮絲富彈性,提升豐盈感
✓ 迷迭香、薰衣草、香橙和檸檬清新香氣,緩解身心煩躁

▸ 適合乾燥粗硬髮質的Nighty Night系列 - 晚安洗髮乳及護髮素

✓ 補充秀髮養分,修補受損秀髮

✓ 增添光澤、降低毛躁

✓ 檀香和大馬士革玫瑰散發沉穩助眠香氣

芳香淨化Bondi Wash
▸  塔斯曼尼亞胡椒及薰衣草天然精油消毒噴霧 : 澳洲原生精油製造的溫和抗菌配方,木質香氣清新舒壓,可作多用途消毒使用
▸  塔斯曼尼亞胡椒及薰衣草地板清潔液淡淡木質與薰衣草的放鬆香氣瀰漫瑜珈空間,帶領你由踏進教室開始進入無壓狀態

恬靜解憂:SEASONS SONI 暮雲無線超音波香氛儀

天然芳療:Neal’s Yard Remedies 有機複方精油


Embarking on a Unique & Beautiful Be Earth Mindful Wellness Journey 
From Your First Step Made In the Studio

Wellness is about how we live our lives and the joy and fulfilment and health we experience. In the modern fast paced world in which we all reside, it is so common that we have often forgotten how to breathe, to slow down, and to seek peace within. Find zen and peace amidst the chaos of life as we invite you to embark on an unique and beautiful Be Earth Mindful Wellness Journey. 

At this hidden sanctuary located in the hub of Central, we aspire to positively impact the heart, mind and soul of individuals who enter the studio from the very first step - providing a comprehensive wellness experience in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. 

There's nothing quite like walking in a yoga & wellness studio being greeted with inviting smells and friendly and welcoming studio warriors. Certainly the beautiful empowering affirmation cards would catch your eyes too. And this is the moment you realize you should leave your worries and get ready to embarking on a nourishing wellness journey. 

From access to filtered hydrogen water to purify and boost your immune, to the soft and sustainable bamboo flooring, and advance air purification system - you know every details of this space is thoughtfully curated with the earth and your wellbeing in mind. 

The natural elements, plants, natural sunlight penetrating through the windows - they are not only soothing but help with breathing and improving mood. Can you imagine this could possibly be the perfect inviting yoga space you could have wished for. With everything being provided, our yoga props are also all naturally sourced and organic, we hope you’d love these teeny touches. Whether you’re looking for a dynamic class to get some sweat or a restorative class to rejuvenate your mind, there are always 80+ classes weekly offerings for you to choose from.

Enjoy a good shower with our 5-start amenities! What’s better than having a nice shower after a soothing yoga class - everything you need from shower facilities to organic hair & body care products by our wellness partner 10/10HOPE are provided for your enjoyment during your time here.

We heartily invite you join us on this holistic healing journey [link to trial] You’ll  feel nourished and supported; you’ll reunite deeper connections to self, others, and the present moment; you’ll breathe out stress and breathe in love. You only need your yogawear and an open heart and everything else is being taken care of. Be Earth, where you well-being begins.

10/10 HOPE 編輯 |Amie C.

我們相信生活充滿選擇,選擇決定於態度,而 10/10 HOPE 就代表一種選擇的態度!

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