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  1. bamford Rose Hand and Body Lotion 玫瑰身體乳 玫瑰身體乳 250ml
  2. bamford Geranium Hand and Body Lotion 天竺葵身體乳 天竺葵身體乳
  3. bamford Geranium Hand and Body Wash 天竺葵沐浴露 天竺葵沐浴露
    bamford 天竺葵沐浴露

    Geranium Hand and Body Wash

    最低 HK$290
  4. 玫瑰沐浴露 250ml 玫瑰沐浴露 250ml
  5. bamford Sage Hand and Body Wash 鼠尾草沐浴露 鼠尾草沐浴露 250ml
  6. bamford Ctirus Shower Exfoliator 柑橘身體去角質 柑橘身體去角質 150ml
  7. bamford Chamomile Body Oil 洋甘菊潤膚油 洋甘菊潤膚油 125ml
  8. bamford Rosemary Body Oil 迷迭香潤膚油 迷迭香潤膚油 125ml
  9. 茉莉身體乳 250ml 茉莉身體乳 250ml
  10. 茉莉沐浴露 250ml 茉莉沐浴露 250ml
  11. bamford B Silent Body Oil 甯靜潤膚油 甯靜潤膚油 125ml
  12. bamford Botanic Bath Salts 植萃浴鹽 250g 天竺葵浴鹽 250g
  13. bamford Geranium Body Oil 天竺葵潤膚油 天竺葵潤膚油 125ml
  14. 天竺葵護手霜 75ml 天竺葵護手霜 75ml
  15. bamford Botanic Sugar Polish 植萃糖霜去角質 200ml 植萃糖霜去角質 200ml
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