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10/10 HOPE x Be Earth | 改變生活始於一念,一起嘗試冥想吧!

10/10 HOPE x Be Earth |  改變生活始於一念,一起嘗試冥想吧!
2024年2月26日 34 view(s)





這種更高的能量被稱為阿特曼(Atman),或純粹意識,它是超越身體和心靈的終極現實。透過瑜珈和冥想,我們逐漸學會與阿特曼聯繫,並意識到我們並不是彼此分離的,而是與周圍的一切 —— 人類、動物,甚至植物合而為一


➊ 第一階段稱為凝念 (Dharana)

❷ 第二階段稱為禪那(Dhyana)

❸ 最後,第三階段稱為三摩地(Samadhi)



10/10 HOPE x Be Earth「從心呼吸 • 重拾平衡恬靜」秋冬聯乘提案
Discover the Moments of Mindful Wellness

開啟身心療癒旅程之際,現於Be Earth共兩層的瑜珈教室均能享受到10/10 HOPE搜羅自世界各地的天然保養產品,重點品牌包括來自瑞典海岸的極簡保養品牌L:A BRUKET和澳洲純天然居家清潔品牌Bondi Wash等,涵蓋室內香氛、頭髮護理、多用途清潔、身體及臉部保養,讓天然力量昇華尋拾自我的瑜珈時光,全面照料你的整全健康,伴你於生活每一刻持續滋養身心。


How Meditation Can Change Our Lives

Have you ever wondered how much control our mind has over our body?

It is fascinating how mind and body are connected, and how our mind controls our physical actions, sometimes leading us to do things that may harm others. However, there is a way to regain control and live a peaceful and fulfilling life. The answer is Meditation.

Meditation is not only about finding peace for a few minutes each day, it is about creating awareness and finding a connection between the body, breath, mind, and ultimately achieving pure consciousness.

Meditation teaches us that we are not just our body or thoughts, but that there is a higher energy that transcends both. 

This higher energy is called Atman, or pure consciousness, and it is the ultimate reality above body and mind. Through yoga and meditation, we gradually learn to connect with Atman and realise that we are not separate from each other, but one with everything around us - humans, animals, even plants.

Meditation is a journey that starts with observing our body and mind without analysing anything, which brings us a sense of calmness, lowers our ego, and allows us to feel more in control of our actions. 

❶ This first stage is called Dharana. 

❷ The second stage is called Dhyana, which is the process of connecting with Atman or pure awareness - irregularly at first. However, we gain access to a deeper sense of connection and clarity realising we are all Atman through continued practice. 

❸ Finally, the third stage is called Samadhi, where we can achieve a complete state of peace and letting go of ego, experiencing the oneness of everything. 

To sum up, meditation offers many benefits, not just for our physical health but also for our mental and emotional well-being. It helps us regain control over our body and mind and connect with a higher energy that transcends all things. So, take a few deep breaths, and start your meditation journey today!

10/10 HOPE 編輯 |Amie C.

我們相信生活充滿選擇,選擇決定於態度,而 10/10 HOPE 就代表一種選擇的態度!

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